Stability Blog

Stability Protocol Partners With Magic for One-Click Blockchain Transactions

Written by Stability | December 6, 2023

Stability and Magic combine to create the most robust and accessible enterprise-grade public blockchain solution

Stability is thrilled to formally announce our partnership with Magic, the industry leading Wallet-as-a-Service provider backed by PayPal ventures.

A Breakthrough web3 User Experience

Stability and Magic share a common vision: Enable the simplest possible user experience for blockchain-powered applications. Stability takes the already-simple onboarding experience of Magic and extends it by removing the remaining onchain challenges and regulatory risks.

Our collaboration removes the common barriers to blockchain adoption — such as cost, regulatory risks, and poor user experience — and offers a seamless and familiar web2 user experience without the need for network fees or cryptocurrencies.

For more detailed information on this milestone partnership and its implications for the blockchain industry, please read the original blog post.